This article ,taken from and added to, from my dear brother and Elder R.J. Ringle.
The greatest and most wonderful story, one that has life in it, Is how the son of God and Saviour of the world humbled himself and came down from glory; willing to come to earth and be born in a manger ; to show and tell how mortal man can redeem himself and be brought back to God.
No prophet had been heard in the earth for over four hundred years. However, the greatest darkness was just before the dawn. In God's own time the virgin was visited by the angel, proclaiming God's plan for her life; of giving birth to his son. God's messenger; John the baptist, a forerunner to Jesus, came before Him to introduced Him to the people and proclaim that God had sent Him. In all this, God was revealing His nature, His mystery, and was bringing into the world His own son in the form of man to reveal to man how to return to God. God did not hesitate. He was not reluctant. He knew when to move in the earth. He had a few prepared to follow his orders. The wise men were ready to travel, and the shepherds went with haste to worship the child.
Is there a people on earth today who are in touch with God as the wise men were? Is there a people that are taking on the nature of the lamb, a people ready to lean not to their own understanding? Is there a people ready to travel as the wise men did, not knowing their way of return? Leaving their own understandings, their beliefs, their prejudice's behind, all of those thngs that bolster a person up and make them feel strong in themselves. and are they willing to take on the very mind of God, which is foreign to them, something they do not understand, something they must take by faith and surrender to.
Just as God prepared the wise men to visit the Bethlehem Baby, He is preparing a people to recognize the move in Full Salvation Union, which is of God in the earth today,. God is at work in the earth. See It, Breath It, Live It, For every plant my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up.
(This is ever thought, every understanding that has not been planted by the true spirit of God shall be rooted out and God's people will recognize each other and flow together.
God wants to direct his own work but can find only a few that are willing to learn and surrender to God's plan. Are you one of those who will bow to God, knowing that His ways are higher than man's ways? will you be one of the choosen few that will spread the word that God wants a people who's God is the Lord, not their understanding of Him.
In this way God is trying to build you a spiritual body, and make you ready for the spirit world which you will inhabit in the future. God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship him in spirit and in truth. there is only one way to accomplish this you must become a spirit clothed in righteousness from God himself. You cannot think your own thoughts and live your own life and go about establishing your own righteousness. for this is all wood, hay and stubble. Think for a minute, When you leave this world , you will not take any thing with you, all of your phisical body will go back to dust , your mentalality as well as the body; for it is just brain matter and will deterorate as well. The spirit that God is trying to build in you is what will return to God. The soul if you please. What will you do in a spirit world if you have not been born of the spirit and developed to live in the spirit.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ceasing to live that we may live
"Ceasing to live that we may live" by james Andrews 1961
It is not easy to cease from the workings of our own mind, to give up, to cease to live any longer after the understanding of things as they appear to us
But we can never know the joy of living a "Life that is hid with Christ in God," until and only as we do.
An intelligent person is not able to think without "willing" ----exercising his will. As long as we THINK things will appear to us as they do, not, "as they are," and we will live in a world where we are ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
But in the hour that we "cease to live," God's mind will be revealed and we shall awake in a new realm of conscious realization where things will no longer appear to us as they now do but we shall see them "as they are" in the very mind and purpose of God.
In all of us there is that principle of sin--that desire to have our way, to impose our will upon others because it seems to us that it is right. It is natural to believe in the vision that fills our own eyes and not realize that God is greater than that and knoweth all things. It is only natural to put your confidence in your own undrestanding and be determined that it shall prevail and when it does not to resent everthing that gets in the way.
God knows this. He remembers our frame that it is but dust. That is the reason He has arranged things as He has in this world to destroy sin, to make us realize that we cannot have our own way, that we must give up to God's will and His judgment--that we must cease to live any longer in the will of the flesh--(our own understanding and will of things as they appear to us).
God's arrangement of parenthood teaches us this fact. When our children are small we impose our will upon them but when they reach a certain age we can no longer do this but must stand helplessly by as we see them go contrary to what seems to us the right way. Happy indeed are those parents then who have learned to put their trust in the "one who guides thru the air the birds in their uncertain flight." Who have reached the end of self and are willing to let God have His way. Who have learned the secret of living so in the mind and heart of God that He will use them to carry His Devine righteousness and restraining grace into the lives of those that mean so much to them.
It is my faith that unless one learns in this life to fully surender his mind and will to God that our heavenly father has devised means whereby such accomplishment must be made in the life to come before one can enter into eternal rest. All God would have to do is to hold them in consciousness in that great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us where they could see everything that goes on and yet because of being absent from the body not be able to do anything about what they behold. In this way they would be forced to recoginize things as they are and surrender to God.
Oh wonder of wonders that we, so earthly, should bear the image of the heavenly. And yet it is true. Blessed God it is true! "When at last I sin no more and my running is o'er"--Then we shall know the perfect joy of Full Salvation Union. All of us shall be made "One" in Him. Those who are alive and remain and those who have fallen asleep shall be caught up
'together" with the Lord --in God's mind. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
It is not easy to cease from the workings of our own mind, to give up, to cease to live any longer after the understanding of things as they appear to us
But we can never know the joy of living a "Life that is hid with Christ in God," until and only as we do.
An intelligent person is not able to think without "willing" ----exercising his will. As long as we THINK things will appear to us as they do, not, "as they are," and we will live in a world where we are ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
But in the hour that we "cease to live," God's mind will be revealed and we shall awake in a new realm of conscious realization where things will no longer appear to us as they now do but we shall see them "as they are" in the very mind and purpose of God.
In all of us there is that principle of sin--that desire to have our way, to impose our will upon others because it seems to us that it is right. It is natural to believe in the vision that fills our own eyes and not realize that God is greater than that and knoweth all things. It is only natural to put your confidence in your own undrestanding and be determined that it shall prevail and when it does not to resent everthing that gets in the way.
God knows this. He remembers our frame that it is but dust. That is the reason He has arranged things as He has in this world to destroy sin, to make us realize that we cannot have our own way, that we must give up to God's will and His judgment--that we must cease to live any longer in the will of the flesh--(our own understanding and will of things as they appear to us).
God's arrangement of parenthood teaches us this fact. When our children are small we impose our will upon them but when they reach a certain age we can no longer do this but must stand helplessly by as we see them go contrary to what seems to us the right way. Happy indeed are those parents then who have learned to put their trust in the "one who guides thru the air the birds in their uncertain flight." Who have reached the end of self and are willing to let God have His way. Who have learned the secret of living so in the mind and heart of God that He will use them to carry His Devine righteousness and restraining grace into the lives of those that mean so much to them.
It is my faith that unless one learns in this life to fully surender his mind and will to God that our heavenly father has devised means whereby such accomplishment must be made in the life to come before one can enter into eternal rest. All God would have to do is to hold them in consciousness in that great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us where they could see everything that goes on and yet because of being absent from the body not be able to do anything about what they behold. In this way they would be forced to recoginize things as they are and surrender to God.
Oh wonder of wonders that we, so earthly, should bear the image of the heavenly. And yet it is true. Blessed God it is true! "When at last I sin no more and my running is o'er"--Then we shall know the perfect joy of Full Salvation Union. All of us shall be made "One" in Him. Those who are alive and remain and those who have fallen asleep shall be caught up
'together" with the Lord --in God's mind. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
That they all may be one
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me,
Let there be peace on earth the peace that was meant to be,
With God as our Father brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony,
Let peace begin with me let this be the moment now,
With every step I take let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally,
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
The reason this has not been possible is because we have tried to do this by our own strength and in this natural realm; god made us a spirit for a reason;because he is a spirit and he wants us to be made one with his spirit, only in this union can we be made one with our brother.
Let there be peace on earth the peace that was meant to be,
With God as our Father brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony,
Let peace begin with me let this be the moment now,
With every step I take let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally,
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
The reason this has not been possible is because we have tried to do this by our own strength and in this natural realm; god made us a spirit for a reason;because he is a spirit and he wants us to be made one with his spirit, only in this union can we be made one with our brother.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Glorify God
Glorify God
Romams 12: 1-2
" I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
When you do this you get out of the drivers seat willingly and let God take control. You surrender to God without a mental reservation. and you watch and learn of God how to serve him.
What world was being spoken of in this scripture? What world do you live in? Do you live in a world of your own making, where you decide your coming in and going out. Do you decide what career you will follow, who you will marry, where you will live, who you will be friends with, what you should eat , and what you should say, even what you should think.
The third verse in Romans says "For I say, through the grace given to me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, accordingly as God halth dealt to every man the measure of faith." For he that thinketh he knoweth any thing, let him know this, "He knoweth nothing as he ought to know it !
If the chief end of man is to glorify God, does it not behoove us to surrender to God without a mental reservation, as Jesus did when he said in the garden of Gethsemane "Abba Father" (Mark 14:36) and " Into thy hands I commend my spirit " (Luke 23:46) as he hung on the cross.
Jesus always bowed his head, as it were, and surrendered his natural mind to his father . He always said he did nothing of himself. It was He that was in him that does the works. Let us do likewise that we might be made one in Christ.
Prayer for every day : Oh God! Help us put our confidence in you and not in our own understanding of you, for you are greater then any understanding we might have of you.
Romams 12: 1-2
" I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
When you do this you get out of the drivers seat willingly and let God take control. You surrender to God without a mental reservation. and you watch and learn of God how to serve him.
What world was being spoken of in this scripture? What world do you live in? Do you live in a world of your own making, where you decide your coming in and going out. Do you decide what career you will follow, who you will marry, where you will live, who you will be friends with, what you should eat , and what you should say, even what you should think.
The third verse in Romans says "For I say, through the grace given to me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, accordingly as God halth dealt to every man the measure of faith." For he that thinketh he knoweth any thing, let him know this, "He knoweth nothing as he ought to know it !
If the chief end of man is to glorify God, does it not behoove us to surrender to God without a mental reservation, as Jesus did when he said in the garden of Gethsemane "Abba Father" (Mark 14:36) and " Into thy hands I commend my spirit " (Luke 23:46) as he hung on the cross.
Jesus always bowed his head, as it were, and surrendered his natural mind to his father . He always said he did nothing of himself. It was He that was in him that does the works. Let us do likewise that we might be made one in Christ.
Prayer for every day : Oh God! Help us put our confidence in you and not in our own understanding of you, for you are greater then any understanding we might have of you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
from the pastor's study
(At times I will send messages from history, )
In 1959 James Andrews wrote:
"Without understanding, life is existence without consciousness."
As far as we know, it is possible that there is no material substance apart from the understanding of such in man. "God's thoughts are higher than man's thoughts and his ways, than man's ways." The concept of time and the understanding we now have of all material aspects of our life will be brushed out of our consciousness, when in God's will they have served their purpose.
God recognizes things as they are as well as the way they appear to be to every living creature.
God is the author of things as they appear. He holds our present mode of existence. He causes all things to appear to us as they appear. He upholds all things by the word of his power.
There is a divine purpose in every state of consciousness which you may be exercised. He knows all about everything. He knows how I am moved with a sense of care, or responsibility, or distress, or fear, or love, or hope, or joy. All is known to God and he permits all the conscious states known to man for a purpose.
In the fullness of time it was in his plan to reveal in Christ Jesus an understanding unknow to man. It was not his good life or morality alone, but that spiritual consciousness which he possessed, that God desired to reveal.
His understanding was different. It was fom God. "Lazarus sleepeth, I go to awake him out of his sleep." "Fear not it is not your father's pleasure that one of these little ones should perish." "In my father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you."
There was an understanding in his mind for which the whole world had waited. Peter recognized it. It shone in his countenance and vibrated in his words -- "Thou alone hast the words of eternal life!"
It is God's desire for that understanding to be known in personal conscious realization of each one of us. That is the place Christ went to prepare for you --- a place of spiritual understanding, that where Christ is there ye may be also -- shut in with God, clothed upon with that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens, conscious of those things that are not seen, that will abide when the understanding of sun, moon and stars has served its purpose and been forgotten.
What is the consciousness that fills you today? Is it a dead system of religious thought alone, words you read in the Bible and accept as true or is it a spiritual understanding that makes your soul aflame with the realization of peace and rest and joy in the Holy Ghost -- a consciousness that swallows up death in victory? Eternal Life ! Eternal Love
In 1959 James Andrews wrote:
"Without understanding, life is existence without consciousness."
As far as we know, it is possible that there is no material substance apart from the understanding of such in man. "God's thoughts are higher than man's thoughts and his ways, than man's ways." The concept of time and the understanding we now have of all material aspects of our life will be brushed out of our consciousness, when in God's will they have served their purpose.
God recognizes things as they are as well as the way they appear to be to every living creature.
God is the author of things as they appear. He holds our present mode of existence. He causes all things to appear to us as they appear. He upholds all things by the word of his power.
There is a divine purpose in every state of consciousness which you may be exercised. He knows all about everything. He knows how I am moved with a sense of care, or responsibility, or distress, or fear, or love, or hope, or joy. All is known to God and he permits all the conscious states known to man for a purpose.
In the fullness of time it was in his plan to reveal in Christ Jesus an understanding unknow to man. It was not his good life or morality alone, but that spiritual consciousness which he possessed, that God desired to reveal.
His understanding was different. It was fom God. "Lazarus sleepeth, I go to awake him out of his sleep." "Fear not it is not your father's pleasure that one of these little ones should perish." "In my father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you."
There was an understanding in his mind for which the whole world had waited. Peter recognized it. It shone in his countenance and vibrated in his words -- "Thou alone hast the words of eternal life!"
It is God's desire for that understanding to be known in personal conscious realization of each one of us. That is the place Christ went to prepare for you --- a place of spiritual understanding, that where Christ is there ye may be also -- shut in with God, clothed upon with that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens, conscious of those things that are not seen, that will abide when the understanding of sun, moon and stars has served its purpose and been forgotten.
What is the consciousness that fills you today? Is it a dead system of religious thought alone, words you read in the Bible and accept as true or is it a spiritual understanding that makes your soul aflame with the realization of peace and rest and joy in the Holy Ghost -- a consciousness that swallows up death in victory? Eternal Life ! Eternal Love
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
God VS Religion (one)
This may be contraversal, but, do you know that God wants to direct his own work and build his own church,? (which is a spiritual church not one of brick and mortor nor one of our own making, which is comprised of our understanding.) Our religion is that which seemes right in our own eyes and our understanding which is human can not grasp the spiritual meaning of the scriptures. It is only as we can surrender to God without a mental reservation that god can fill us with his spirit and show us the true meaning. Why not put your confidence in God who is greater than any understanding you might have, and Let God be true and every man a liar.
God is a Spirit
Except ye be born again , ye can not inherit eternal life
The physcial existance is like scaffolding around the spirit, we are held here in this physcial realm to experence all of the things we experence; The hurts and illnesses; when we cry out for relief, the joys that seem to satisfy our natural but never satisfy the soul. We should strive to grow our spirit into God's spirit; but, being ignorant of this we are constantly building on the scaffolding. From the day we are born to the day we die we are arranging our life as to make it suite us;; getting a better education, a better job, a better earthly house, a better car, a better marrage, a better understanding of what we think is important ; religion, friendship, being healthy, being a good wife or husband, being a good child, a good student, being civic minded, being generous. The only trouble with all of these good things, is that we think we know what good is. That was born in us to think more highly of ourselves than we should and to think we know good from evil , then we try to live up to our understanding as to what we think we should do, when god wants us, to seek after him in the spirit.
God wants us to be concieved of the spirit so that we become aware that there is a stirring within us that is of God. How many of you even think of what God wants of you, let alone asking God what he wants you to do with your life? even about the minute things in life. The Scriptures read wither you stand up or lie-down wither you eat or drink , do all to the glory of God (which means to do all in the will of God) This is how you grow in the spirit, this is how you change from darkness to light. We are in darkness and don't know it! the same as a man blind from birth is. We stumble around making our mistakes, and having to learn from them over and over again, always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth: The truth, that God is real and his spirit kingdom is what we must except sooner or later. After being conceived by the spirit of God we must grow which takes a lifetime - never give up, keep striving,,, for "His power can make you what you ought to be, His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free , His love can fill your soul and you will see, it's best for him to have his way with thee." When time and space have lost their savor for you, you will be born again but of the spirit; praise His holy name, my soul does rejoyce in this knowledge. And you should also for this is for each and every one of you also .
The physcial existance is like scaffolding around the spirit, we are held here in this physcial realm to experence all of the things we experence; The hurts and illnesses; when we cry out for relief, the joys that seem to satisfy our natural but never satisfy the soul. We should strive to grow our spirit into God's spirit; but, being ignorant of this we are constantly building on the scaffolding. From the day we are born to the day we die we are arranging our life as to make it suite us;; getting a better education, a better job, a better earthly house, a better car, a better marrage, a better understanding of what we think is important ; religion, friendship, being healthy, being a good wife or husband, being a good child, a good student, being civic minded, being generous. The only trouble with all of these good things, is that we think we know what good is. That was born in us to think more highly of ourselves than we should and to think we know good from evil , then we try to live up to our understanding as to what we think we should do, when god wants us, to seek after him in the spirit.
God wants us to be concieved of the spirit so that we become aware that there is a stirring within us that is of God. How many of you even think of what God wants of you, let alone asking God what he wants you to do with your life? even about the minute things in life. The Scriptures read wither you stand up or lie-down wither you eat or drink , do all to the glory of God (which means to do all in the will of God) This is how you grow in the spirit, this is how you change from darkness to light. We are in darkness and don't know it! the same as a man blind from birth is. We stumble around making our mistakes, and having to learn from them over and over again, always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth: The truth, that God is real and his spirit kingdom is what we must except sooner or later. After being conceived by the spirit of God we must grow which takes a lifetime - never give up, keep striving,,, for "His power can make you what you ought to be, His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free , His love can fill your soul and you will see, it's best for him to have his way with thee." When time and space have lost their savor for you, you will be born again but of the spirit; praise His holy name, my soul does rejoyce in this knowledge. And you should also for this is for each and every one of you also .
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Unleavened Bread
Unleavened Bread by Harriet Peavey
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 9
It is in this realm that I attempt to look into the scriptures and learn of God. Knowing full well that “unless the Lord build the house they labor in vane that build it.”
I have looked at several passages of scripture in regards to unleavened bread, and I am drawn by the spirit to the one in 1 Corinthians 5: 7 - “Purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us:
8 - Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. This is the spirit of the new unleavened bread.
Leavening is a substance that raises the bread into a new texture of air and substance, like yeast, to make it taste better and seem more than it is. God uses this analogy to help us understand that any old teachings and understandings of ideas and doctrines which have been passed to us from who ever we have been associated with, or understandings of experiences or readings which we have acquired is just leavening in the bread which he wants us to eat of and pass out to others. He was constantly trying to get the Jews to surrender their old understandings and follow him into the new way of life, which he offered. He told them he did nothing of himself, the Father who was in him, He doeth the work.
Note in Isaiah 55: 11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Christ cried out on the cross and in the garden from within his human self "Let this cup pass from me," and yet he surrendered to his father all of his human thoughts and desires. “Never the less not my will but thine be done”
Dear June, you were favored of God when the guest speaker pointed you out and prophesied. Now 40 years might seem like a long time to us, but to God it is nothing. It is like it just happened and if you can grasp the meaning of the prophecy you will be rewarded.
It is not the passing out of the bread to the people at the nursing home, but the passing out of the bread of life, which God is after. The unleavened bread , that is not full of religious dogmas and ideologies, the unleavened bread that is ready for God to fill is the bread
god wants passed out. The religious world with all of its churches and doctrines and dogmas is like Babylon with every man setting under his own vine and fig tree thinking his is something when he is nothing. Read my article again, the last page –“You must be clean like an unwritten page. surrendering all” I am sending you an article which our pastor wrote, maybe God wants you to come up higher. I only want Gods will done in all things and in his own time.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 9
It is in this realm that I attempt to look into the scriptures and learn of God. Knowing full well that “unless the Lord build the house they labor in vane that build it.”
I have looked at several passages of scripture in regards to unleavened bread, and I am drawn by the spirit to the one in 1 Corinthians 5: 7 - “Purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us:
8 - Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. This is the spirit of the new unleavened bread.
Leavening is a substance that raises the bread into a new texture of air and substance, like yeast, to make it taste better and seem more than it is. God uses this analogy to help us understand that any old teachings and understandings of ideas and doctrines which have been passed to us from who ever we have been associated with, or understandings of experiences or readings which we have acquired is just leavening in the bread which he wants us to eat of and pass out to others. He was constantly trying to get the Jews to surrender their old understandings and follow him into the new way of life, which he offered. He told them he did nothing of himself, the Father who was in him, He doeth the work.
Note in Isaiah 55: 11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Christ cried out on the cross and in the garden from within his human self "Let this cup pass from me," and yet he surrendered to his father all of his human thoughts and desires. “Never the less not my will but thine be done”
Dear June, you were favored of God when the guest speaker pointed you out and prophesied. Now 40 years might seem like a long time to us, but to God it is nothing. It is like it just happened and if you can grasp the meaning of the prophecy you will be rewarded.
It is not the passing out of the bread to the people at the nursing home, but the passing out of the bread of life, which God is after. The unleavened bread , that is not full of religious dogmas and ideologies, the unleavened bread that is ready for God to fill is the bread
god wants passed out. The religious world with all of its churches and doctrines and dogmas is like Babylon with every man setting under his own vine and fig tree thinking his is something when he is nothing. Read my article again, the last page –“You must be clean like an unwritten page. surrendering all” I am sending you an article which our pastor wrote, maybe God wants you to come up higher. I only want Gods will done in all things and in his own time.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
“ Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God , and Him only shalt thou serve” Matthew 4:10
Jesus was rebuking the devil after the devil had temped him to satisfy his fleshly desires to eat. Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness and was hungry in the flesh , his natural desire to eat was to force God, to come to his terms and satisfy his human desire. Like as we try to do. We are always calling out to God to do this or do that: which is what our human wants. Jesus was human in the flesh just as we, but he refused to serve his natural desire. He knew this was of the devil After Jesus rebuked this way: as being evil, it departed and he was ministered by the angels who satisfied his needs as God seen fit .
This is why he could say “I am the way the truth and the light, No man cometh to the Father but by me.” It sounds like he was speaking about his physical and natural self, If so, that would have been boastful for that’s the way the natural mind thinks, which is the devil speaking : Jesus was speaking of a new and living way to become one with God, as He was one with God. A way which he alone knew and wanted us to follow. A way of sacrifice ! He said “ I do nothing of myself, the Father who is in me he doeth the works. that is why he demands of us to surrender without a mental reservation.
Jesus gave up `his natural mind which came to him by way of his natural and physical birth into this world, and I don't mean he was without mind, he was a carpenter and did all of the things needed to care for himself and his family but, he refused to put his confidence in this way of life. He surrendered what seemed right to him, to what was God’s will: as in the garden where he lay prostrate in prayer, asking that this cup be passed from him , which was another temptation, for the natural flesh does not want to die. Never the less, surrending to the will of God.
This is “Surrendering to God without a mental reservation!” (without a reservation to that which seemed right in his own eyes.)
This is the way the truth and the light, and no man cometh to the Father but by this way! This is the way of true Sacrifice. Sacrificing your will, your being , your mind, that which is highly esteemed by you. When Jesus said “ follow me .” He did not mean to just follow him around in the natural as many did . whom , He said. followed him for the loaves and fishes, yet their hearts were far from Him . He wanted man to follow him into a newness of life and learn of Him.
Jesus was rebuking the devil after the devil had temped him to satisfy his fleshly desires to eat. Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness and was hungry in the flesh , his natural desire to eat was to force God, to come to his terms and satisfy his human desire. Like as we try to do. We are always calling out to God to do this or do that: which is what our human wants. Jesus was human in the flesh just as we, but he refused to serve his natural desire. He knew this was of the devil After Jesus rebuked this way: as being evil, it departed and he was ministered by the angels who satisfied his needs as God seen fit .
This is why he could say “I am the way the truth and the light, No man cometh to the Father but by me.” It sounds like he was speaking about his physical and natural self, If so, that would have been boastful for that’s the way the natural mind thinks, which is the devil speaking : Jesus was speaking of a new and living way to become one with God, as He was one with God. A way which he alone knew and wanted us to follow. A way of sacrifice ! He said “ I do nothing of myself, the Father who is in me he doeth the works. that is why he demands of us to surrender without a mental reservation.
Jesus gave up `his natural mind which came to him by way of his natural and physical birth into this world, and I don't mean he was without mind, he was a carpenter and did all of the things needed to care for himself and his family but, he refused to put his confidence in this way of life. He surrendered what seemed right to him, to what was God’s will: as in the garden where he lay prostrate in prayer, asking that this cup be passed from him , which was another temptation, for the natural flesh does not want to die. Never the less, surrending to the will of God.
This is “Surrendering to God without a mental reservation!” (without a reservation to that which seemed right in his own eyes.)
This is the way the truth and the light, and no man cometh to the Father but by this way! This is the way of true Sacrifice. Sacrificing your will, your being , your mind, that which is highly esteemed by you. When Jesus said “ follow me .” He did not mean to just follow him around in the natural as many did . whom , He said. followed him for the loaves and fishes, yet their hearts were far from Him . He wanted man to follow him into a newness of life and learn of Him.
We Should Live by Inspiration
Natural and Spiritual; Living by inspiration--
We should live by inspiration--- as God moves through us, rather than by theory. If God moves, you should react to that move. The tendency is to try to harmonize with a theory that you grasp in your mind but, that is a way that seems right to man; which is what God said leads unto death.
I believe to save us from this : we have been lead, (to surrender to God without a mental reservation ) that would separate us from the natural and make us one in God, where we could be joined with our brother instead of being at odds with him over our theories.
May, God help us to know how to do this and enter into the very stream of God’s life.
All over this world people are making effort to harmonize with theories of religion.
Every group feels that their theory is the best or the correct one. What we need is to know how to enter into the very life of God, and live in that inspired life rather than to live in theory.
In every man there is a longing for perfection. This longing comes from God: to be made in His image and His likeness. But, we: being in the natural , do not understand and it causes us to think more highly of ourselves then we should and our spirit becomes miss guided by our own thinking and our effort is to judge ourselves among ourselves. Trying to become better than our brother or our neighbor, have the best house, have the best car, brag on our family, their looks, their education, their wealth, not being conscious that everything cometh from God and that we are of the earth most unworthy. Help us Lord to seek after thee.
We should live by inspiration--- as God moves through us, rather than by theory. If God moves, you should react to that move. The tendency is to try to harmonize with a theory that you grasp in your mind but, that is a way that seems right to man; which is what God said leads unto death.
I believe to save us from this : we have been lead, (to surrender to God without a mental reservation ) that would separate us from the natural and make us one in God, where we could be joined with our brother instead of being at odds with him over our theories.
May, God help us to know how to do this and enter into the very stream of God’s life.
All over this world people are making effort to harmonize with theories of religion.
Every group feels that their theory is the best or the correct one. What we need is to know how to enter into the very life of God, and live in that inspired life rather than to live in theory.
In every man there is a longing for perfection. This longing comes from God: to be made in His image and His likeness. But, we: being in the natural , do not understand and it causes us to think more highly of ourselves then we should and our spirit becomes miss guided by our own thinking and our effort is to judge ourselves among ourselves. Trying to become better than our brother or our neighbor, have the best house, have the best car, brag on our family, their looks, their education, their wealth, not being conscious that everything cometh from God and that we are of the earth most unworthy. Help us Lord to seek after thee.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone
A stumbling block or a stepping-stone?
DON'T THINK IN THE NATURAL--- Jesus went back to the Father and sent the Holy Ghost to lead us into righteousness and truth. More attention needs to be made to the Holy Spirit which is the dispensation in which we are in. Most of our so-called Christians; preach, talk, and sing about Jesus. We celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Good Friday.; Most religious stories are about Jesus. Even his very words are in red print so to draw attention to them. The New Testament was written it seems, by those who had seen him and touched him, so they drew from their experiences of the times for their writings and even though, the Holy Ghost over shadowed them, their writings where colored by their own intellect. (The holy Ghost overshadows many of us at times, but that dosen’t save us from sin: for we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God: meaning we lean to our own understandings.) It does not take anything away from Jesus for us to recognize things as they are. (which is that this is the Holy Ghost Dispensation) Jesus was our elder brother, he was a human man, tempted like as we, but one who did the will of God in all things. He is gone from our sight and our touch. He said he would send the Holy Ghost to become a part of us and to lead us into all Truth, into the spiritual realm.
It is hard for us to comprehend a spirit even tho we are a spirit. Is this a stumbling block or a stepping stone? It all depends on each one of us ? Do we have a spirit to learn of the spirit of God for understanding, or are we self sufficient in our own minds and draw from what seems right in our own eyes. Being satisfied with religion as it has been taught for years, leaves us floundering around in the workings of our minds, never learning of God ! Only as we will let religion go-- can we experience and learn of Salvation ! which comes by the Holy Ghost, The spirit of God.
DON'T THINK IN THE NATURAL--- Jesus went back to the Father and sent the Holy Ghost to lead us into righteousness and truth. More attention needs to be made to the Holy Spirit which is the dispensation in which we are in. Most of our so-called Christians; preach, talk, and sing about Jesus. We celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Good Friday.; Most religious stories are about Jesus. Even his very words are in red print so to draw attention to them. The New Testament was written it seems, by those who had seen him and touched him, so they drew from their experiences of the times for their writings and even though, the Holy Ghost over shadowed them, their writings where colored by their own intellect. (The holy Ghost overshadows many of us at times, but that dosen’t save us from sin: for we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God: meaning we lean to our own understandings.) It does not take anything away from Jesus for us to recognize things as they are. (which is that this is the Holy Ghost Dispensation) Jesus was our elder brother, he was a human man, tempted like as we, but one who did the will of God in all things. He is gone from our sight and our touch. He said he would send the Holy Ghost to become a part of us and to lead us into all Truth, into the spiritual realm.
It is hard for us to comprehend a spirit even tho we are a spirit. Is this a stumbling block or a stepping stone? It all depends on each one of us ? Do we have a spirit to learn of the spirit of God for understanding, or are we self sufficient in our own minds and draw from what seems right in our own eyes. Being satisfied with religion as it has been taught for years, leaves us floundering around in the workings of our minds, never learning of God ! Only as we will let religion go-- can we experience and learn of Salvation ! which comes by the Holy Ghost, The spirit of God.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fullsalvationunion; the purpose and the name
FULL SALVATION UNION; The purpose and the name!
Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you. Genesis: 43: 3
God did not make man to live alone; He made him a helpmate and gave them a family. It was disobedience to God that brought sin into the heart of man. (Knowing what sin is might help you understand) Sin is any action, feeling. or thought, outside of the divine will and spirit of God. It is that same sin that turns brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, children against parents, from one generation to another. Jesus was with out sin because he did always the will of God. He said, “ I do nothing of my self, the spirit of God within me, He doeth the work”. He said: how can you love God whom you have not seen, when you do not love your brother whom you have seen. Over and over again God relates our relationship with him as to each other. You think in your mind that heaven is a rosy place where you will see all your loved ones and know them as you have known them in this natural sinful world, You want to bring heaven down to your realm, But, you cannot: Heaven is a spiritual place where Gods spirit dwells. and ye shall not see his face unless your brother is with you or, meaning you and your brother must be made one in Christ to enter there. You can not enter in alone You must be made one with all those whom God has chosen, and God has chosen All to follow Him. In other words you must have a spirit of love, which denies self , which surrenders to God without a mental reservation. This cannot become a reality in the natural world . It takes a miracle from the spirit world to undo the sin , of taking our own way, that we have brought upon ourselves. God has said if we would humble ourselves and call on his name he would answer . You can not have full Salvation without union and you cannot have union without full salvation. (salvation is to be saved from everything that divides) only ” Full Salvation Union” can make you love your brother. Wither you murder him like Cain did, or you reject him because, he thinks different than you . it is the same thing. You send him into a hell of your own making because he won’t bow down to your dogma and understanding. When someone makes a statement against anything that you espose, that you think is fact or holy in your eyes, how quicky do you have a spirit to draw a sword and cut off his ear.
Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you. Genesis: 43: 3
God did not make man to live alone; He made him a helpmate and gave them a family. It was disobedience to God that brought sin into the heart of man. (Knowing what sin is might help you understand) Sin is any action, feeling. or thought, outside of the divine will and spirit of God. It is that same sin that turns brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, children against parents, from one generation to another. Jesus was with out sin because he did always the will of God. He said, “ I do nothing of my self, the spirit of God within me, He doeth the work”. He said: how can you love God whom you have not seen, when you do not love your brother whom you have seen. Over and over again God relates our relationship with him as to each other. You think in your mind that heaven is a rosy place where you will see all your loved ones and know them as you have known them in this natural sinful world, You want to bring heaven down to your realm, But, you cannot: Heaven is a spiritual place where Gods spirit dwells. and ye shall not see his face unless your brother is with you or, meaning you and your brother must be made one in Christ to enter there. You can not enter in alone You must be made one with all those whom God has chosen, and God has chosen All to follow Him. In other words you must have a spirit of love, which denies self , which surrenders to God without a mental reservation. This cannot become a reality in the natural world . It takes a miracle from the spirit world to undo the sin , of taking our own way, that we have brought upon ourselves. God has said if we would humble ourselves and call on his name he would answer . You can not have full Salvation without union and you cannot have union without full salvation. (salvation is to be saved from everything that divides) only ” Full Salvation Union” can make you love your brother. Wither you murder him like Cain did, or you reject him because, he thinks different than you . it is the same thing. You send him into a hell of your own making because he won’t bow down to your dogma and understanding. When someone makes a statement against anything that you espose, that you think is fact or holy in your eyes, how quicky do you have a spirit to draw a sword and cut off his ear.
It is the Kingdom of God! IT is not a church, nor is it a religion. But it is s spiritual reality where ALL is subject to God, down to the minuet atom of the universe . All down through the history of the bible and before, God has tried to persuade man to surrender to his will.. From the garden of Eden where He laid down the law, “Of this tree you must not eat,” to “The ten commandments,” where: loving God was first and foremost, to the order in Egypt to “Let my people go“.
Because we did not obey, he ordered that man would work by the sweat of his brow for substance, and that women would bear children in pain. And that man would die!
He could not leave man in a realm of his own making and let him live forever. God was and is still the finale authority. Man has to learn that his way leads to nothing but trouble.
God then ordered that the earth would produce thistles and pestilents and that the very elements would be against us. For thousands maybe millions of years we have been leaning to and followering our own understanding which has divided us into every kind of issums and skisims ; where we kill our brother thinking we are doing the will of God. but, the scriptures say we are beating our swords into plowshears, and our spears into pruninghooks: for in due season; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore, and man will be made one with God and with each other.
It is the Kingdom of God! IT is not a church, nor is it a religion. But it is s spiritual reality where ALL is subject to God, down to the minuet atom of the universe . All down through the history of the bible and before, God has tried to persuade man to surrender to his will.. From the garden of Eden where He laid down the law, “Of this tree you must not eat,” to “The ten commandments,” where: loving God was first and foremost, to the order in Egypt to “Let my people go“.
Because we did not obey, he ordered that man would work by the sweat of his brow for substance, and that women would bear children in pain. And that man would die!
He could not leave man in a realm of his own making and let him live forever. God was and is still the finale authority. Man has to learn that his way leads to nothing but trouble.
God then ordered that the earth would produce thistles and pestilents and that the very elements would be against us. For thousands maybe millions of years we have been leaning to and followering our own understanding which has divided us into every kind of issums and skisims ; where we kill our brother thinking we are doing the will of God. but, the scriptures say we are beating our swords into plowshears, and our spears into pruninghooks: for in due season; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore, and man will be made one with God and with each other.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Kingdom of god revealed
"God wants to direct his own work" The voice of God spoke these words into the ear of E.A. Andrews for 6 months, where he found a listening and obedient servent. Rev. Andrews said in my hearing many times that it was like heavenly music and that it left as suddenly as it came. This was the grass roots of the organization called "Then Fullsalvation Union" It sprang from within his heart and he preached the message many times as the spirit gave him utterance sparing not the natural and carnel mind of man who had built up religions of their own making, claiming them to be of God, while denying the power of Him.
The spirit spoke through him in righteous indignation striping away the unrighteous clothing that hung on the minds and hearts of the religious world until he became an outcast in his own group. Preaching against their forms of religion that were not filled with the power of God. Leaning on and learning of God, he walked through life as a drunk man ( drunk with the spirit as on the day of penticost) This assembly of people flourished to several hundred who were hungry for a deeper walk with god. One man put it that he saw; as it were, God roll up his sleeves as to go to work spiritually, causing people to fall under His power in an effort to peel away what seemed right in their own eyes and surrender to Him wholly without a mental reservation of any kind. Did you know that you have reservations? Do you think that going to church or an assembly is inportant, or taking what is called the cacrements is inportant, or wearing plain clothes is inportant, or being what is called a good person is inportant, or keeping the comandments is inportant, or all the things we assoscatee with our form of religion as inportant? What is inportant is; to have a spirit to be able to say I do nothing of myself the Holy Spirit in me He doeth the works.
Oh did you know: that God is a spirit and those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth, not in forms and ceromonies or the understandings of man. Every man the world over, leans to his own understanding, wither he accquired it from reading , having experences, listening to others , and being carefully taught. Think of all the different religions and people, yes people, in the world, each one leans to their own understanding, sets under his own vine and fig tree, that is why there is so much division in the churches, politics, schools, goverments, clubs, organizations; what ever is made up of people; We do not love our brother as ourselves if we can not be made one with him. How can God make his children one? which is his desire. Jesus prayed that they all may be made one as He, his father and the holy ghost are one. It is easy: just surrender to God without a mental reservation. God is not divided . Don't be so sure that you are right, be a little humble and look to God ,who knows the end from the begining and knows all truth. If each man could surrender to God they would automatically be made one. The fact that they are divided and are not one with their brother proves they are not right with god.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Spritual Authority could be a sub. title under Authority.
Authority was first, always, and foremost before time, earth and the natural was! Authority is God.
That authority that formed the earth and heavens, the beings and natural living creatures that exist or ever have existed. Any authority over substance, spirits , or any living thing was given by god, even the authority to crucify Christ which was given to the authorities at that time, was given by God.
In John19: begining with the 10th verse Pilate said "knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee," Jesus answered in the 11th verse, saying "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: (Power over any situation is from auhority)
The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build for me? Isaiah 66; 1. How can ye, being in the natural, build me a house when I am in the spirit. God is calling attention to a spiritual reality in Acts 7: 49-51, where he states "Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, (meaning you do not understand in spirit; you have not had the natural desires of the flesh cut away from the soul and spirit) ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. You might not think you resist the Holy Ghost , because you give yourself to religious thoughts and priciples which make a big show in this world and attract many but, how many of you yield to the Holy Spirit, or strive to know him in spirit, Knowing that we are bound to be wrong and unable to understand should not stop us from striving to approch the spirit; for it is in striving to enter in that we change and learn.
Man would rather hear with his natural ears the words that tickle his human understanding and build him up, thinking he is building gods house, which is only of clay. "Beyond the sacred page I seek thee, Lord; My spirit pants for thee, O living word!" not the dead letter but the living word. Let every soul be in subjection to the power of God (the Holy Ghost): There is no higher power then God.
Spiritual Authority is not understood by the natural man.
The scriptures state in John 4:24 that God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. For man to try in the natural to worship God in spirit and in truth is ( infinitium) with no sucess. Any time anyone puts his view of truth into conception of words understood by himself or another : he puts himself up as God! Only God knows truth ; and he will (as He will's) allow a slight glimmer of truth to shed it's rays into our soul and spirit in due season: and this to different individuals which some day will make up the whole, when the spiritual body will fit together without the sound of a hammer. If he revealed all to any one individual they would become exalted in themselves.
God is leading us away from formal worship, His desire is for each soul, the world over, to be lead by the spirit and to do his will. When Jesus left us and returned to heaven, he said, I needs go away for if I do not the Holy Ghost will not come, and when he comes He will lead you into all truth. That is the only way you can receive truth. On the day of pentecost when the deciples were of one accord ; God poured out the Holy Ghost on them and they were indued with power from on high. You should not study to get knowdge, you should study to show yourself approved unto God which is your reasonable service. If God accepts your offering of yourself he will pour out his spirit upon you in due time.
"Be still and know that I am God" Ps. 46:10 " Be still" is to quiet your mind, don't think more highly of your self then you should, and have your knowlege in knowing God in spirit .
Authority was first, always, and foremost before time, earth and the natural was! Authority is God.
That authority that formed the earth and heavens, the beings and natural living creatures that exist or ever have existed. Any authority over substance, spirits , or any living thing was given by god, even the authority to crucify Christ which was given to the authorities at that time, was given by God.
In John19: begining with the 10th verse Pilate said "knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee," Jesus answered in the 11th verse, saying "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: (Power over any situation is from auhority)
The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build for me? Isaiah 66; 1. How can ye, being in the natural, build me a house when I am in the spirit. God is calling attention to a spiritual reality in Acts 7: 49-51, where he states "Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, (meaning you do not understand in spirit; you have not had the natural desires of the flesh cut away from the soul and spirit) ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. You might not think you resist the Holy Ghost , because you give yourself to religious thoughts and priciples which make a big show in this world and attract many but, how many of you yield to the Holy Spirit, or strive to know him in spirit, Knowing that we are bound to be wrong and unable to understand should not stop us from striving to approch the spirit; for it is in striving to enter in that we change and learn.
Man would rather hear with his natural ears the words that tickle his human understanding and build him up, thinking he is building gods house, which is only of clay. "Beyond the sacred page I seek thee, Lord; My spirit pants for thee, O living word!" not the dead letter but the living word. Let every soul be in subjection to the power of God (the Holy Ghost): There is no higher power then God.
Spiritual Authority is not understood by the natural man.
The scriptures state in John 4:24 that God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. For man to try in the natural to worship God in spirit and in truth is ( infinitium) with no sucess. Any time anyone puts his view of truth into conception of words understood by himself or another : he puts himself up as God! Only God knows truth ; and he will (as He will's) allow a slight glimmer of truth to shed it's rays into our soul and spirit in due season: and this to different individuals which some day will make up the whole, when the spiritual body will fit together without the sound of a hammer. If he revealed all to any one individual they would become exalted in themselves.
God is leading us away from formal worship, His desire is for each soul, the world over, to be lead by the spirit and to do his will. When Jesus left us and returned to heaven, he said, I needs go away for if I do not the Holy Ghost will not come, and when he comes He will lead you into all truth. That is the only way you can receive truth. On the day of pentecost when the deciples were of one accord ; God poured out the Holy Ghost on them and they were indued with power from on high. You should not study to get knowdge, you should study to show yourself approved unto God which is your reasonable service. If God accepts your offering of yourself he will pour out his spirit upon you in due time.
"Be still and know that I am God" Ps. 46:10 " Be still" is to quiet your mind, don't think more highly of your self then you should, and have your knowlege in knowing God in spirit .
Sunday, February 14, 2010
What is Full Salvation Union ? A spiritual enity! you can not have full salvation without union and you can not have union without full salvation. Jesus prayed that they all may be one, even as God the father, god the son, and god the spirit are one. This is Heaven, and there; yea may be also.
Is heaven a place where pearly streams glide over sliver sands;
Like a childhood's rosy, dazzling dreams of some far fairy land?
Is heaven a clime where diamond dews glitter on fadeless flowers;
And mirth and music ring aloud from amaranthine powers.
Ah, no, not such, not such is heaven! Surpassing far all these;
Such cannot be the guerdon given man's wearied soul to please
For saint and sinner here below such vain to be, have proved
And the pure spirit will despise whate'er the sense has loved
There we shall dwell with Sire and son, and with the mother maid,
And with the Holy Spirit one, In glory like arrayed.
And not to one created thing, Shall our embrace be given
For all our joy shall be in God, for only God is Heaven.
Is heaven a place where pearly streams glide over sliver sands;
Like a childhood's rosy, dazzling dreams of some far fairy land?
Is heaven a clime where diamond dews glitter on fadeless flowers;
And mirth and music ring aloud from amaranthine powers.
Ah, no, not such, not such is heaven! Surpassing far all these;
Such cannot be the guerdon given man's wearied soul to please
For saint and sinner here below such vain to be, have proved
And the pure spirit will despise whate'er the sense has loved
There we shall dwell with Sire and son, and with the mother maid,
And with the Holy Spirit one, In glory like arrayed.
And not to one created thing, Shall our embrace be given
For all our joy shall be in God, for only God is Heaven.
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