This article ,taken from and added to, from my dear brother and Elder R.J. Ringle.
The greatest and most wonderful story, one that has life in it, Is how the son of God and Saviour of the world humbled himself and came down from glory; willing to come to earth and be born in a manger ; to show and tell how mortal man can redeem himself and be brought back to God.
No prophet had been heard in the earth for over four hundred years. However, the greatest darkness was just before the dawn. In God's own time the virgin was visited by the angel, proclaiming God's plan for her life; of giving birth to his son. God's messenger; John the baptist, a forerunner to Jesus, came before Him to introduced Him to the people and proclaim that God had sent Him. In all this, God was revealing His nature, His mystery, and was bringing into the world His own son in the form of man to reveal to man how to return to God. God did not hesitate. He was not reluctant. He knew when to move in the earth. He had a few prepared to follow his orders. The wise men were ready to travel, and the shepherds went with haste to worship the child.
Is there a people on earth today who are in touch with God as the wise men were? Is there a people that are taking on the nature of the lamb, a people ready to lean not to their own understanding? Is there a people ready to travel as the wise men did, not knowing their way of return? Leaving their own understandings, their beliefs, their prejudice's behind, all of those thngs that bolster a person up and make them feel strong in themselves. and are they willing to take on the very mind of God, which is foreign to them, something they do not understand, something they must take by faith and surrender to.
Just as God prepared the wise men to visit the Bethlehem Baby, He is preparing a people to recognize the move in Full Salvation Union, which is of God in the earth today,. God is at work in the earth. See It, Breath It, Live It, For every plant my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up.
(This is ever thought, every understanding that has not been planted by the true spirit of God shall be rooted out and God's people will recognize each other and flow together.
God wants to direct his own work but can find only a few that are willing to learn and surrender to God's plan. Are you one of those who will bow to God, knowing that His ways are higher than man's ways? will you be one of the choosen few that will spread the word that God wants a people who's God is the Lord, not their understanding of Him.
In this way God is trying to build you a spiritual body, and make you ready for the spirit world which you will inhabit in the future. God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship him in spirit and in truth. there is only one way to accomplish this you must become a spirit clothed in righteousness from God himself. You cannot think your own thoughts and live your own life and go about establishing your own righteousness. for this is all wood, hay and stubble. Think for a minute, When you leave this world , you will not take any thing with you, all of your phisical body will go back to dust , your mentalality as well as the body; for it is just brain matter and will deterorate as well. The spirit that God is trying to build in you is what will return to God. The soul if you please. What will you do in a spirit world if you have not been born of the spirit and developed to live in the spirit.
Friday, December 10, 2010
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