God's desire since the fall of man into sin has been to deliver him from such a condition. For a man to be in sin,simple means that his life -- his physical and spiritual body is not under the the control and direction of God's mind and will "He is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. He goes about to establish his own righteousness and has not submitted himself unto the righteousness of God by faith. This means that he controls or attempts to control his life and physical body by the decisions of his own mind, He is not subject to God's will or action in and thru him. He says, " We will go into a certain city and buy and sell and get gain, whereas he ought to say if the LORD WILLS we will do this and that. In his own mind or will he is a sinner, He misses the mark of God's righteousness He comes short of the glory of God , and death is the result of his actions.
Jesus came into this world to show and to lead us into righteousness which is a way of escape, He had a physical body ,same as ours, by reason of his physical birth, which was under the control of the decisions of his own mind. But He refused to control His life and physical body in that way. He said, "I do nothing of myself. The Father that dewelleth in me He doeth the workes." In other words His life and the movements of His body did not reveal the decisions of His own mind, but revealed the will of Him that sent Him." In that way He was truly, "God manifest in the flesh," for He did not manifest His own will or the decisions of His own mind but rather the will and decisions of His Father in heaven.
Christ demonstrated to and for the whole world--every intelligent being-- that a person could be in this world and yet not be "OF IT" __not be conformed to the world _which neans not to control your life and the movements of your physical body by the control of your own mind and others do.
The Apostle Paul said , "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly, acceptable unto God_(present your bodies to be controlled by God's mind and will instead of your own. This is acceptable unto God) which is your reasonable service__(It is not reasonable for you to control your own body by the decisions of your own mind in an attempt to serve God when He stands ready to accept the responsibility of controlling your body as you present it to Him for such service.) And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind__(Our minds need to be renewed in surrender to God's mind). That ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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