Saturday, December 10, 2011


   Jesus said, "take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For I am meek and lowly in heart. And ye shall find rest unto our souls."
   The wild stallion out on the prairie is full of the pure life which God gave to him.  He snorts and wheels and runs in the strength and freedom of his own life. His great mane flies in the breeze. He is not in bondage to anything but the action of his own reflexes.
   Such life is wonderful. such energy and strength is inspiring. But it does not build anything of a constructive nature in the life of man. To do that the wild stallion must be captured and put under the yoke.  He must be broke so that man can ride him or drive him to the plow. No longer can he roam the prairie subject only to the impules of his own nature but he must go and come and do as the will of his master dictates.
   Some Christians who have been filled with the life of God are like the wild stallion. They rejoice in the life and strength which fills them. They know what it means to be made free in Gods holy spirit.  But they have not been captured and brought under the yoke of christ, therefore, their life does not build the kingdom of God.  It is as useless to God as is the life of the wild stallion to man.
   To such Christ is calling today. He would lasoo you and bring you into His corral where He would break you to do His Father's will so that instead of building Babylon with the life and energy God has given you, you could be used to build the kingdom of God.
   Christ's yoke was simply the yoke of "doing nothing of Himself."  He lived by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.  He came not to do his own will but the will of him that sent Him. Christ was in the world but not of it in the sense that He did not run His life by the action of his own mind as others about him did , but He allowed His Father in heaven to live his life in him__ to control His body by the decision of His mind.    That is the yoke Christ would place upon every child of God
    Will you come to Him and take His yoke upon you?  Will you let God place you in Christ's body as pleases Him? Will you do as He tells you to do?  Will you sweep the floor, wash the dishes, paint, or cook the food, or pray or labor as He directs?  The fact that there are many fanatics gone out into word who, by their false claims and assertions , bring reproach upon this way of life does not excuse anyone for not taking upon themselves the yoke of christ.  It should be self-evident to all that when anyone truly takes on the yoke of christ they will have entered into the spiritual reality of full salvation Union.  They will not be a "lone wolf,"  exalting themselves in the  spirit of the wild stallion.  But they will come under the yoke of the living God's mind, where are perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement with others who are in the same yoke.
   It is easy to see that all who take on such a yoke are made "One" even as Christ and God are "One" for then no one lives to himself alone in his own mind after his will but all are one in God's mind. His will is done in them_ (earth) just as it is done in heaven.
   Oh God grant that all of us may be willing to take on this yoke that we all may be made one. _ "that the world may believe."


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Funerals their cause and purpose.

If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own mind;  but, what the Lord saith, that will I speak?
There is a way that seems right unto man,  but, the end thereof are the ways of death,  The death sentence passed on to humanity was because of disobedience to God.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

God's Plan of Salvation

God's desire since the fall of man into sin has been to deliver him from such a condition. For a man to be in sin,simple means that his life -- his physical and spiritual body is not under the the control and direction of God's mind and will "He is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. He goes about to establish his own righteousness and has not submitted himself unto the righteousness of God by faith. This means that he controls or attempts to control his life and physical body by the decisions of his own mind, He is not subject to God's will or action in and thru him. He says, " We will go into a certain city and buy and sell and get gain, whereas he ought to say if the LORD WILLS we will do this and that. In his own mind or will he is a sinner, He misses the mark of God's righteousness He comes short of the glory of God , and death is the result of his actions.
Jesus came into this world to show and to lead us into righteousness which is a way of escape, He had a physical body ,same as ours, by reason of his physical birth, which was under the control of the decisions of his own mind. But He refused to control His life and physical body in that way. He said, "I do nothing of myself. The Father that dewelleth in me He doeth the workes." In other words His life and the movements of His body did not reveal the decisions of His own mind, but revealed the will of Him that sent Him." In that way He was truly, "God manifest in the flesh," for He did not manifest His own will or the decisions of His own mind but rather the will and decisions of His Father in heaven.
Christ demonstrated to and for the whole world--every intelligent being-- that a person could be in this world and yet not be "OF IT" __not be conformed to the world _which neans not to control your life and the movements of your physical body by the control of your own mind and others do.
The Apostle Paul said , "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly, acceptable unto God_(present your bodies to be controlled by God's mind and will instead of your own. This is acceptable unto God) which is your reasonable service__(It is not reasonable for you to control your own body by the decisions of your own mind in an attempt to serve God when He stands ready to accept the responsibility of controlling your body as you present it to Him for such service.) And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind__(Our minds need to be renewed in surrender to God's mind). That ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Darkness mixed with Light by Ruby Eberhart 1953

The darkness that is mixed with light in those who profess or possess salvation is the mental conception they put on the work God is doing. God can perform a work in you and if you put your own understanding on it, it turns to darkness for you and those about you. We must have the mind of God for every experience we face or leave it entirely in his hands, or that experience will become darkness and destruction to us.
It was made real to me at our last General Gathering in Kalamazoo that even the effort that we try to make in carrying on God's work is of no use unless produced by God himself. Our efforts and labors are all in vain. read Psalm 127:1 "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it:" We can only wait for God to move.
You can be filled with the love of God and then try in your human effort and way to show that love to someone, but unless the Spirit is making an outward visible show of that love, you spoil it and it is of no worth.
God wants us to be completely controlled by him so that as Bro. Andrews has said even our smiles and handshakes will be by God alone. We know this is a work that is wrought in us by the Holy Spirit.
Yes, we may have to dip in Jordon more than seven times before we come out healed and the dipping is just obeying the spirit- full obedience to God so that we live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. Doing all to the Glory of God. I do thank him for his help to me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

my testimony harriet

Under pressure of the spirit I went home from camp meeting , after a stirring message by James Andrews on surrendering to God. I remember that day well, I was setting at the sewing machine when; I ask of God how can I "surrender to God with out a mental reservation" which was the message from James; my mind struggled with the thoughts; how can I within my mind surrender to God with my mind? His answer came to me as a parab; "It is likened unto a man who's invented something that desolves everthing!" My mind thought in an instant; what would he hold it in? place it on the ground? hold it in a container, or in his hands? everything would be desolved. Instaneously all at once! His answer was, and my understanding of the same was, "with God all things are possible " and do not be afraid to preach it and let God work out the effects of it in every ones spirit and soul. It was made clear to me that this that God has revealed; for to preach to every man with the wording "Surrender to God without a mental reservation" is the doctrin we should hold too and we should not fear that it will become just an understanding; because it will be used of God to desolve all understandings . It will desolve even itself leaving only GOD- GOD- GOD.
I was  impressied that I was to tell them at campmeeting, not to be afraid to preach it as God has given it and leave it with Him as to the effects. James knew so clearly that everything God gives to man he takes into his own understanding, takes possesion of it and builds himself up in it and it becomes darkness to him. So he was fearful that this too would become darkness to man and he was always cautious of this, warned us of this, wanting only God to surfive. but, this which God has given, we can not turn into darkness. for it is the light itself, and where the light is there is no darkness!
I know I was timmid and fearful of the face of man and did not do as I was inspiried; to openly and strongly speak of this which God had given to me, enought so as to releave any sence of withdrawing of the truth as God had given it for fear it might become darkness.
I only pray; that God will desolve all of the carnal mind in me and the words that I write and the meditations of my heart, be exceptable in His sight. Oh, Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
"Consecrate Me Now To thy Service, Lord, by the power of grace devine, Let my soul look up with a steedfast hope, and my will be lost in thine" 
( It was the morning of January 29 2012 that I awoke to the words "ye must be born again, "  and soon followed was "born of the Spirit"   I beleive they  were from the spirit of god and that he will cloth them with Flesh,  But not Flesh as we know it,  but with spiritual flesh, )

My Testamony harriet peavey

Under pressure of God