Wednesday, April 7, 2010

God VS Religion (one)

This may be contraversal, but, do you know that God wants to direct his own work and build his own church,? (which is a spiritual church not one of brick and mortor nor one of our own making, which is comprised of our understanding.) Our religion is that which seemes right in our own eyes and our understanding which is human can not grasp the spiritual meaning of the scriptures. It is only as we can surrender to God without a mental reservation that god can fill us with his spirit and show us the true meaning. Why not put your confidence in God who is greater than any understanding you might have, and Let God be true and every man a liar.

God is a Spirit

Except ye be born again , ye can not inherit eternal life

The physcial existance is like scaffolding around the spirit, we are held here in this physcial realm to experence all of the things we experence;   The hurts  and illnesses; when we cry out for relief, the joys that seem to satisfy our natural but never satisfy the soul.   We should strive to grow our spirit into God's spirit;  but, being ignorant of this we are constantly building on the scaffolding. From the day we are born to the day we die  we are  arranging our life as to make it suite us;; getting a better education, a better job, a better earthly house, a better car, a better marrage, a better understanding of what we think is important ;  religion, friendship,  being healthy, being a good wife or husband, being a good child, a good student, being civic minded, being generous. The only trouble with all of these good things, is that we think we know what good is. That was born in us to think more highly of ourselves than we should and to think we know good from evil ,  then we try to live up to our understanding as to what we think we should do,    when god wants us, to seek after him in the spirit.
   God wants us to be concieved of the spirit so that we become aware that there is a stirring within us that is of God.   How many of you even think of what God wants of you, let alone asking God what he wants you to do with your life?  even about the minute things in life.    The Scriptures read wither you stand up or lie-down wither you eat or drink , do all to the glory of God (which means to do all in the will of God) This is how you grow in the spirit, this is how you change from darkness to light. We are in darkness and don't know it!   the same as a man blind from birth is.    We stumble around making our  mistakes, and having to learn from them over and over again, always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth: The truth, that God is real and his spirit kingdom is what we must except sooner or later.  After being conceived by the spirit of God we must grow which takes a lifetime - never give up,  keep striving,,, for "His power can make you what you ought to be, His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free , His love can fill your soul and you will see,  it's best for him to have his way with thee."  When time and space have lost their savor for you, you will be born again but of the spirit;   praise His holy name, my soul does rejoyce in this knowledge.   And you should also for this is for  each and every one of you also .

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Unleavened Bread

Unleavened Bread by Harriet Peavey

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 9
It is in this realm that I attempt to look into the scriptures and learn of God. Knowing full well that “unless the Lord build the house they labor in vane that build it.”
I have looked at several passages of scripture in regards to unleavened bread, and I am drawn by the spirit to the one in 1 Corinthians 5: 7 - “Purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us:

8 - Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. This is the spirit of the new unleavened bread.
Leavening is a substance that raises the bread into a new texture of air and substance, like yeast, to make it taste better and seem more than it is. God uses this analogy to help us understand that any old teachings and understandings of ideas and doctrines which have been passed to us from who ever we have been associated with, or understandings of experiences or readings which we have acquired is just leavening in the bread which he wants us to eat of and pass out to others. He was constantly trying to get the Jews to surrender their old understandings and follow him into the new way of life, which he offered. He told them he did nothing of himself, the Father who was in him, He doeth the work.
Note in Isaiah 55: 11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Christ cried out on the cross and in the garden from within his human self "Let this cup pass from me," and yet he surrendered to his father all of his human thoughts and desires. “Never the less not my will but thine be done”
Dear June, you were favored of God when the guest speaker pointed you out and prophesied. Now 40 years might seem like a long time to us, but to God it is nothing. It is like it just happened and if you can grasp the meaning of the prophecy you will be rewarded.
It is not the passing out of the bread to the people at the nursing home, but the passing out of the bread of life, which God is after. The unleavened bread , that is not full of religious dogmas and ideologies, the unleavened bread that is ready for God to fill is the bread
god wants passed out. The religious world with all of its churches and doctrines and dogmas is like Babylon with every man setting under his own vine and fig tree thinking his is something when he is nothing. Read my article again, the last page –“You must be clean like an unwritten page. surrendering all” I am sending you an article which our pastor wrote, maybe God wants you to come up higher. I only want Gods will done in all things and in his own time.