Friday, March 19, 2010


        What is “ FULL SALVATION UNION’
It is the Kingdom of God! IT is not a church, nor is it a religion. But it is s spiritual reality where ALL is subject to God, down to the minuet atom of the universe . All down through the history of the bible and before, God has tried to persuade man to surrender to his will.. From the garden of Eden where He laid down the law, “Of this tree you must not eat,” to “The ten commandments,” where: loving God was first and foremost, to the order in Egypt to “Let my people go“.
Because we did not obey, he ordered that man would work by the sweat of his brow for substance, and that women would bear children in pain. And that man would die!
He could not leave man in a realm of his own making and let him live forever. God was and is still the finale authority. Man has to learn that his way leads to nothing but trouble.
God then ordered that the earth would produce thistles and pestilents and that the very elements would be against us. For thousands maybe millions of years we have been  leaning to and followering our own understanding which has divided us into every kind of issums and skisims ;  where  we kill our brother thinking we are doing the will of God.     but, the scriptures say we are beating our swords into plowshears, and our spears into pruninghooks:   for in due season;  nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore, and man will be made one with God and with each other.